This is breaking yet another promise to our Military. Fees are taxes, and obambi promised not to raise taxes on those of us making under $250G...well as 2 old qeezers we don't even make a fourth of that, with hubby's retirement and our SS combined.
The bill might have originated under GW when the dems had control of both houses, as part of CBO recommendations to control cost.
I'm not sure if it affects more than TFL, because there is also Tricare Prime. BOTH TFL and Medicare are admined out of the same agency.
Forwarded your email in mass. My husband is a retired Navy Chief too. 24 yrs and 2 tours in Nam and 3 in Korea and this is what we get? We are also on TFL and like your husand and every military retiree that gave up higher paying civillian or private employment to serve in the military because of the “promises” and benefits..we were lied to by our govt.