Okay, I didn’t really want to go that low, TRYING to stay out of the flame wars, but if it’s successful in informing/educating, then so be it.
Look at the sorry state of affairs that is our so-called “educational system” and how little of our actual history is taught. How little, if anything, many students know of the Constitution. If folks can learn from Beck as opposed to Levin, I’ll take that over them learning nothing. It should serve to at least whet their appetite for more.
Like I said, I’m a Mark fan, not so much with Beck.
I agree with you there. But, Mark is justifiably worried about the populism surrounding Beck. If Beck were content to be an educator of the young or politically ignorant in society, I would have no problem. But, Beck appears to hunger for more. When someone as unstable as Beck hungers for power, it worries me greatly.