>>>> “I was asked if I wanted to register to vote. For me, the question was borderline offensive. <<<<<<
Now why would this dude find this question offensive...
It is not like it is the Republicans asking him to register, it is the State.
There is something seriously wrong with a dude who would take offense to this question !!!
I think he was offended that anyone thought someone his age hadn’t already registered. I would’ve been offended by the question about changing affiliation. It’s one thing to get people registered and quite another to try to unregister them from a particular party. Why would that even be asked? Don’t driver’s licence people have enough to do?
It should be illegal to register to vote anywhere but in the Supervisor of Elections office and in person. There are always exceptions but they should be few and strict. It’s no one’s business whether or not you are registered or under what party, just as it’s no one’s business whther or not you own a gun. We don’t need more voters, we need constitutionally educated ones.