Yes, the polling resembled Chicago - they had to actually request a ballot and stand in line to vote... heh. Hmmm, not quite like Chicago, no dead people voting, no crazy hoodlums standing outside with truncheons, and no Rahm... Not quite Chicago I would say... You are right of course that it was voluntary and that made Ron Paul the favorite of those that were determined to vote him in (Seems that the younger generation has more perseverance).
Of course, you realize that this has no real bearing on who or how the actual election happens... Seems that the favorite of CPAC has a minimal chance of election if you go by past history.
Greetings Deagle:
Paulbot shenanigans remind me of Chicago politics. The Machine employees fill the polling places statewide; patronage employment requires a 100% voting record.
For future straw polls; CPAC might consider dipping thumbs in blue ink after someone casts a ballot.