Thank you both for replying to my post.
Anybody can draw a line in the sand. Getting many people to draw it in the same place is a little harder.
I focus on 2nd Amd, 1st Amd, defense, taxes and government size & spending. The gay issue is way down on my list when I’m out to rally support for a candidate.
I guess I can live with myself, even it I’m not pure enough for the two of you.
Either you’re incredibly misinformed, and have read nothing on FR or elsewhere over the years about the piles and piles of “gay” agenda legislation and court injuctions taking away freedoms of citizens in the areas of religious expression, assocation and speech, or you’re disingenuous.
And I don’t give a rip which one.
If the “gay” agenda is fine with you, and those who oppose it are wrong, you’re part of the problem.
Agree. Don't ask, don't tell works best. They need to work on the "don't tell" part and we'd be better off all the way around.
The public simply doesn't value the Democrats highly enough to care.