I know Indiana went for BO in 2008...an anomaly.....it is a red state, and they’re losing Evan....this could turn the Senate seat there back to a Republican!!!
Point of view from Kentucky (just south of Indiana):
“.....it [Indiana] is a red state, and theyre losing Evan....this could turn the Senate seat there back to a Republican!!!”
You are CORRECT on BOTH counts! Yippee!
What the commentator said regarding the retirement was that Bayh’s polling numbers were poor no matter which Republican opponent they would run against him. Even much lesser known Republicans, even UNKNOWN Republican candidates, polled better!
Three words: Senator Dan Coats
Every poll I saw gave him at least a 50-50 chance of holding this seat, so I'm almost certain he didn't just bail without getting something in return.
Three words: Senator Dan Coats
Then they got Obama and the unemployment rate in many counties in that area went up to 15%.
For a variety of reasons the blockheads in the North have this idea that when Obama says he'll bankrupt the coal users that meant someone else.
I get the idea here that Bayh finally figured it out and realized he probably couldn't have any more outdoor political rallys ~ anywhere.
VA went for BO too in 2008 - only to do a 20 point swing one year later and correct their mistake by electing all Republicans by wide margins. They learned that there are no moderate democrats; thats just a lie.
The seat SHOULD go to the Republican candidate. Bayh was only elected because his of father's reputation and because of a somewhat conservative record as governor.