“I cant believe that FR is now seeing pro-leftist ecco/enviro-nazi posts.
But I wont resort to insults.”
you just did, so back at you, you ignoramous:
“The Japanese fleet is operating under international law that allows them a strict quota of whales. They are following the rules given to them. What is so hard to understand?”
The quota is zero, except for research. It is the Japanese government, specifically the Fisheries Depaetment that has set this quota, allowed FOR RESEARCH ONLY.
The Japanese are conducting commercial whaling, banned over 20 years ago, under the guise of “research” which almost everyone agrees is a sham.
What part of that are you unable to comprehend?
What proof do you have that “research” is not being conducted? Who’s definition of research?
Even if we were to assume that the Japanese fleet was doing nothing but commercial whaling (and I am no conceding that point at all - just for argument sake) - would it not be in their best interest to study the whales, to understand both their health, condition, population, breeding success, and other factors? Thus some form of “research” would then be part of the hunting, for the preservation of the resource.
But that being said, I have seen absolutely zero evidence presented that there is no legitimate research going on. Only brazen accusations to inflame nasty leftists who think more highly of the animals that God gave us dominion over, than other human beings.
You say it is the Japanese government that set the quota “for research only”, yet it is the same Japanese government that is screaming mad at the Ecco-terrorist Sea Shepherds.
And for the record - I am no fan of whale hunting. I would prefer to see them. I don’t have any interest in eating them or killing them. But that being said - many people feel the same way regarding my own desire to hunt wild game (and I always engage in that activity within the laws I am given to abide by).
I am glad, though, that the Japanese fleet chooses to actually put the whale carcass to good use, instead of gaining whatever research information they are looking for then disposing of the carcass. I’m not one to believe in wasting the animal. If you are going to kill it, then use it.
“Almost everyone agrees is a sham”... sounds dangerously close to the language used by the Global Warming/Climate Change alarmists who also use terms like “in unanimous agreement”, “all concur” or the more base “those with half a brian can clearly see...”.
Does that mean the Alaskan tribes that are allowed to hunt whale should be torpedoed??
I can’t stand the new world order that has a mindset that says the world can establish a law prohibiting something that a country has done for generations.