Its so obvious with a rat senator down in the polls like reid is with a sure pickup by the republicans along comes a “tea party” candidate which we all know will siphon off votes from the republican.Who is this guy and where did he come from.The medina chic was exposed too soon as well.She just seemed unreal and I could’nt believe what she said on becks radio program.Did she not know that would do her in?
I have faith that the local Tea Party people will either already know, or it won't take long to find out.
I don't think the two political parties or the media have realized yet just how powerful this movement is!
Deep and strong, the conservative Americans who make up the 'silent majority' have been awakened from their apathetic slumber.
Harry Reid and the rest of the "holier-than-thou" career politicians in DC are in for a shock! And I'm going to enjoy watching them squirm!