While I never wish death on anyone, I did see this man as one of the most destructive forces in Congress. I will never forget this Youtube video of him ramming his agenda through:
Simply an astounding abuse of power....
Folks, you now see what importance a man like John Murtha carried to eternity. One day after his passing, hardly a word is said about him in the press and media. Why? Because no one really cares. Regrets to his family, may he rest in peace, but, a man or woman reaps what they sow!!! And....the hate spewed from the mouth of John Murtha against our military while they are at war is unforgivable and forever blemishes anything positive he ever did. The proof in the pudding is the scant coverage his passing has received. Shucks, the minute he passed, the banter ws about whether a Republican will take the seat!!! Sad, that he served so many years and has naught to show for it.