My question is, who is Amy Kremer and b y what authority does she dictate the agenda?
I think that, whatever position you take on any particular "social issue" that it's simply smart politics to limit the number of issues that are "Tea Party" issues to those strictly surrounding fiscal restraint and Constitutional government.
This doesn't mean that social issues are any less important, but just a recognition that the current national mood is a kind of astonished disgust with what Obama and the Democrats are doing to this country right now.
Let me put it this way--you just found out that your neighbor was molesting his children. Now, their house is on fire.
Do you put the fire out, or do you wait for the neighbor to admit their incest first?
Our country is that house on fire right now. Let's put the fire out first, then deal with the neighbor later. That's what I mean about "smart politics" and I think that's what the focus of the Tea Party movement is, and should be right now.
Excellent! I plan to steal it as needed. I’ll try to give credit