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To: kanawa; Ohioan from Florida; Goodgirlinred; Miss Behave; cyn; AlwaysFree; amdgmary; angelwings49; ..
Thank God that many parents refuse to succumb to the culture of death.

Thread by kanawa.

Mercy killing? Never. I'll always fight like a lioness for my darling boy...

The moment I hear Elisabeth Shepherd's voice on the phone I think she sounds like
just the sort of person you would want looking after you if you were ill


It's because of the hard times and the dark emotional wilderness the human soul has to find some way to cross -
even when it is exhausted and ground down by long weeks, months and years of dealing with the almost intolerable -
that I am here to talk to her.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

43 posted on 02/21/2010 11:21:25 AM PST by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: Ohioan from Florida; Goodgirlinred; Miss Behave; cyn; AlwaysFree; amdgmary; angelwings49; ...
Jill Stanek nails it here!

Thread by me.

Jill Stanek: The abortion clinic and other novel ideas of Adolf Hitler

On the heels of the provocative "Black Children are an Endangered Species" billboard campaign currently running in Atlanta, Ga., comes another, this one in Poland.

Next week the Polish arm of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform will begin displaying this sign on a huge billboard (74 feet by 32 feet) in a large city in Poland, remaining unnamed for now so as not to jeopardize the plan.

Translation: Abortion for Polish women introduced by Hitler on March 9, 1943

Coincidentally, March 8 is International Women's Day, a special day for feminists in Poland. Each year to celebrate they organize demonstrations in major cities, including Poznan, to demand abortion without limits.

Adolf Hitler was so ahead of his time.

The sign is true, by the way. According to Wapedia (emphasis mine):

Until 1932, abortion was banned in Poland without exceptions. In that year a new Penal Code legalized abortion strictly when there were medical reasons and, for the first time in Europe, when the pregnancy resulted from a criminal act. Except during the German occupation during the Second World War, this law was in effect from 1932 to 1956.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

44 posted on 02/21/2010 11:23:36 AM PST by wagglebee ("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
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To: wagglebee

‘The moment I hear Elisabeth Shepherd’s voice on the phone I think she sounds like
just the sort of person you would want looking after you if you were ill’

I hope I have someone like that fighting for me if I am ever unable to speak for myself. I think I do, but I hope my loved ones are as astute as she is. Antilifers can be very tricky and downright LIE.

49 posted on 02/21/2010 12:18:27 PM PST by Sun (Pray that God sends us good leaders. Please say a prayer now.)
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