A reporter from Fox News who’s there said there were 2000 to 2500 at Zero’s Cone of Fail in Boston.
Blaming Bush again for the last 8 years. As I recall, unemployment was at 5.5% for most of the Bush year.
It's rainy, play off football is on and it's not a workday. No way to get the rent a mob unless you give them time off from work. They won't come out on their own time.
And remeber: this is a PRE-PLANNED crowd complete with bused-in union rent-a-mobs!
2000-2500 is all they could get together to see and listen to the most fantabulous, craptacular human-being of the past 2000 years?
That's it!!?? In a liberal university campus, in the heart of Boston, in Massachusetts the bluest of the blue states... and he could only muster 2,000. That's an epic fail.