Free Republic Monthly Budget Once we get our monthly donations to the point where they will cover all of our expenses, we will not need to have fundraisers.
Est. Recurring Monthly Contributions |
$10,770.00 |
Monthly Expenses |
Bandwidth and Colocation |
$2,430 |
System Administation and Programming |
7,000 |
Administrative and Taxes |
10,500 |
Legal and Accounting |
1,000 |
Bank Fees, Credit Card Fees, Processing Fees |
800 |
Equip, Maintenance and Repairs |
300 |
Office Expenses, Rents, Insurance, Telephone, ISP, Supplies, Misc. |
2,500 |
Travel Expenses |
800 |
25,330.00 |
Est. Monthly Shortfall |
($14,560.00) |
- Est. Recurring Monthly Contributions
- This is the amount contributed by the monthly donors only. It does not include one-time donations.
- Est. Monthly Shortfall
- Amount needed in one-time donations per month or additional monthlies need to meet budget needs.