1 posted on
01/12/2010 5:54:24 AM PST by
To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
Middle East and terrorism, occasional political and Jewish issues Ping List. High Volume
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
2 posted on
01/12/2010 5:56:14 AM PST by
(In wine there is wisdom, In beer there is freedom, In water there is bacteria.)
To: SJackson
LOL! Hussein’s campaign and admin are filled with Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood moles. Jews voted for him by 78% and he has a Mossad agent running his admin. Israel is a lot closer with the Saudis than people think.
3 posted on
01/12/2010 5:57:03 AM PST by
(TV - sending Americans towards islamic serfdom - Cancel TV service NOW)
To: AdmSmith; Berosus; bigheadfred; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; ...
As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu travels to Egypt to discuss resumption of peace talks with what passes for Palestinian leadership, the Obama administration steps up pressure on Israel to make concessions. The outlandish theory: Israel's obstinacy, not Palestinian rejectionism, is the roadblock on the way to a two-state solution.
"Two-state solution? That s/b '57 state'." |
4 posted on
01/14/2010 6:07:28 PM PST by
(Happy New Year! Freedom is Priceless.)
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