A great number of Americans agree that the withholding of Obama's proof of birth as proof of citizenship is of great concern. Beck (and the rest of media) are compliant tools, missing, covering up, or simply following instructions that the topic is verboten, of the most flagrant disregard for The Constitution ever in the election of a US president who is not qualified for that office, nor any office requiring a high security clearance.
A while back many discussed the New World Order or One World Order or even globalism and they were called conspiracy theorists. Those terms are now ALL mainstream and used even by presidents themselves. Being called a Birther is supposed to be a slap in the face, but in reality, it is a group of millions of Americans asking for proof that this President has spent over a million dollars keeping under lock and key, along with many other documents that would verify his schooling, his citizenship and other personal information that other presidents have freely shared with Americans. Why not? Glen himself always says, question vigorously. We are, and he won't!