Gee, thats terrific. Maybe you could give us a link to that statement on the official letterhead of the state of Hawaii. I dont think that weve actually seen that here.
Sure, that's no problem. I posted it several times before, so I'll go back and look up my posts and find it and post it again. And yes, many have seen it here on Free Republic, because I posted it directly from the official State of Hawaii government website and on their official letterhead and stationary, in the same place with all their other official statements and pronouncements on state business.
But, you apparently didn't see it, or hear about it.
I'm surprised you missed it the first time... :-) I'll have it for you shortly, as soon as I look back through my posts...
First, you go to the main State of Hawaii, Department of Health webpage (as shown below in the first link, then you go to the Archived Press Releases (as shown in the second link) and lastly, you go to the actual press release from the State of Hawaii, Department of Health, in PDF format. You'll notice that all the links are the official website each one tracks to the next one, and to the actual press release itself.
It is the following information, presented here text (not formatted exactly the same way, but all the same words), on that PDF file, with the official State of Hawaii seal on it...
News Release
For Immediate Release: July 27, 2009 -- 09-063
I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai‛i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.
As far as addressing the issue from an official State of Hawaii pronouncement, since they are the holders of the original information, and have certified as a statement from the State of Hawaii (again the original maintainers and certifiers of that information) regarding the birth of Barack Obama -- this seems to wrap it up.
It doesn't get any more original or any more certified than this, as far as state records are concerned.