Do you think Charles Djou can win? I was thinking he could run as Aiona’s Lt. Governor...
I think he’s got a bigger chance at Neil’s seat than possibly going down with Aiona. I really hope Aiona wins but I’m concerned he hasn’t done enough to distinguish himself. Swindle *almost* beat Neil back in 96 or at least made him cut his hair. I guess it depends on who the Democrats put up to run against Djou as to his chances. I’m afraid he’d overshadow Duke as well. I see Djou on TV a lot more than I do Duke, and that’s just as a city councilman.
I’ll support him financially to the degree we can - he earned my devotion the day our 17-year-old son went down to testify at the Big Square Building. He dressed up very professionally and gave a short presentation he had prepared on his own against rail, speaking as a future UH student who lived leeward. One of the other councilmen tried to shut him up when he hit the 60-second mark or whatever the limit was (I’ve forgotten) but Djou stood up for him and convinced the rest to let him finish.