To: kristinn
I never can understand why we get so exercised about the shoes politicians wives wear. God knows, I love shoes and do occasionally buy a totally unnecessary shoe.
27 posted on
12/29/2009 1:57:57 PM PST by
(Jimmy Carter(the Godfather of Terror) allowed radical Islam to get a foothold in Iran.)
To: w1andsodidwe
It’s not the shoes as much as it is the whole anti-capitalist mentality. “cut back on consumption. Drive around in a piece of crap tin can rollerskate. Turn the heat down and put on a sweater. Put your ambitions aside and work for nothing.” The real truth is, these people are the ultimate snobs and look down on anyone who follows their mandates while they’re out eating Kobe beef, drinking Dom every night and skipping around in $700 shoes.
29 posted on
12/29/2009 2:20:03 PM PST by
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