The fact that you worked for a hypocrite is not my fault. I had nothing to do with that. You notice I did not say what my religious beliefs are only that I work on a daily basis to be of maximum service to God and my fellows? How does committing a violent crime or lying to people or breaking vows or any of a hundred other actions fit into that? It doesn't.
Fact is human beings are flawed and failed. We as a fallen group find it easier to lie than tell the truth. We don't like to face hard truths. Humans left to their own devices end up doing some pretty awful things. Fortunately, Grace is perfect and brings many to being their better selves.
And of course if I mention the bad things that Mormons or Muslims or Jews or Hindus or anyone else does not doubt you will scoff and tell me that's not about the religion.
I am not responsible for others actions. If they claim something which is untrue they will have to live with the consequences of that. All I can do is live my life not the one YOU want me to live
Long March, thank for telling me what I think. You have no idea how I want you to live or if I even want to tell you how to live other than not being a hypocrite. I don’t tell the people I work with, most of them are my friends, how to live, so why would I start making demands upon you?