Here’s something else to be worried about. This guy had handlers to help him make his Amsterdam transfer. And a fellow accomplice was supposedly arrested with a bomb in his bag after the flight landed in Detroit.
# Flight 253 suspect was seen injecting fluid from syringe into substance after he emerged from jet’s bathroom, source tells NBC. 21 minutes ago from BreakingNews Headquarters
Sounds strange... Loading with no passport? Fishy.
The only changes really needed in airport security are those that begin with the Homeland Security and TSA own decision making per their internal MO's. How about we make THESE folks in charge, uncomfortable, rather than our paying a price for their incompetence?
(Again, why, why, why were so many gates left unchecked? More damning PC as in Ft. Hood; the judgments of 'Liberals' who never met an enemy they did not like; and/or some 'subtext' from a Muslim friendly Administration that lowered the bar? Are we paying a price for 'Obama's' name?
Does Obama walk lightly here; does he keep a 'blind eye'; knowing 'crisis' of any kind, will ultimately serve him?)
This privileged man was passed off as a poor Nigerian trying to escape to a better, safer life; and despite his name/address; he was successful. And a great many people are alive today, thanks to a 'malfucntion' and perhaps as well, to a brave passenger on the plane.)
What will the Gov story be? We have only to wait and see how they handle this 'young man' - so called. Thank God he was not nineteen or we would hear that a 'teenager' had been arrested.