There is a time to forgive. There is also a time to punish.
First things first.
Reamed a new one!! Oh yeah!
That's what I like about religion and these religious people...There always so nice and forgiving...Especially during the Christmas season!
Merry Christmas!
There is a time to forgive. There is also a time to punish.
Mr Benedettini said the woman appeared to be mentally unstable
Furthermore, punishment and forgiveness are separate issues. A person is not un-forgiven because they are punished. I punish my children, and still forgive them. Forgiveness is between each person and God, and between each person and those they may have harmed. It’s not up to me to forgive the person who knocked down the Pope and I will not forgive them. That’s up to the Pope and up to God. The Pope being who was harmed and God being the ultimate judge.