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To: myself6
Run a conservative against him in the next primary.

According to the House clerk's website, Griffith:

- Voted against the Wall Street Consumer Reform and Protection Act (more government takeover of private finance)

- Voted against the Permanent Estate Tax Relief for Families, Farmers, and Small Businesses Act of 2009 (a Democrat bill that actually REPEALED a provision in the tax code preventing certain types of tax increases)

- Voted against the Affordable Health Care for America Act (i.e. Obamacare)

- Voted against the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 (IIRC, this was the bill that can be construed as prohibiting private gardens as a step towards federal control over the food supply).

- Voted against the recent increase of the debt ceiling that allows the fedgov to continue spending more and more

Seems to me that he already is a conservative, if his voting record on major recent issues means anything. Sounds like a conservative who came home. why on earth would we need to "run a conservative against him in the primary"? So we can split the vote and let the Dems have the seat back?

56 posted on 12/22/2009 8:19:13 AM PST by Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus (Conservatives unite behind conservative Republicans in the primaries!)
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To: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus

Yeah, that looks like a pretty decent record to me in a short time period. I’m willing to give him a fair chance.

69 posted on 12/22/2009 8:24:39 AM PST by jpl
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To: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus
Seems to me that he already is a conservative, if his voting record on major recent issues means anything.

I agree.

why on earth would we need to "run a conservative against him in the primary"? So we can split the vote and let the Dems have the seat back?

Knee jerk ideological purity gave us a 60 seat Rat Senate. How's that working for us?

84 posted on 12/22/2009 8:29:23 AM PST by wmfights (If you want change support
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To: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus

I dont think that qualifies him as a limited government type conservative...

Let the voters in his district make the choice, and how does it split the vote to run someone against him in the PRIMARY?

103 posted on 12/22/2009 8:35:29 AM PST by myself6
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To: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus
One of his first votes in congress was for Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker. He received hell because of that from his constituents and still does on every issue as soon as it receives the light of day. He knows there are strong Republican challengers preparing for 2010 and that they are out there meeting the people and connecting with the people. My strong feeling is Parker is acting like the true blue politician he is. He is one that looks to see which way the wind is blowing and follows it. He is NOT a conservative leader. Our district has better to offer the people than him. Lord willing they will prevail. In the meantime maybe the Obama voters in our district will get ticked at Parker and he will go back to his career as a doctor in some other area because his privileges were removed from the hospital here. Doctors here do not support him. He was a not good. Doctors don't turn on one of there own very easily.
So he became a politician. Here is a closer look into Parker.

There is a video of him getting irate and taking the Lord's name in vain. I will paste when I find it.

217 posted on 12/22/2009 1:32:00 PM PST by 4Godsoloved..Hegave (Trusting God is a full time job, He is on duty 24/7 .)
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To: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus

Never mind posting the facts of Rep. Griffith’s voting record. The knuckle-draggers here have already deemed him a RINO and formed a mob to throw him out. I swear a good number of these so-called “true conservatives” are actually leftists out to secure a permanent majority for the Dummycrats.

228 posted on 12/22/2009 2:57:31 PM PST by La Enchiladita (The debate over "healthcare" legislation is making me SICK.)
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