Posted on 12/22/2009 8:05:01 AM PST by Danae
You tell me. Does not sound like a conservative to me.
C'mon now, I would have thought that somebody with your extensive legislative and political experience would realise how deceptive and misleading that number is - unless you meant to try to deceive by using it?
Regardless, the 84% number means nothing. Why? Because something like half the votes taken in Congress are meaningless parliamentary and procedural votes and the like which typically have a vote tally of 300-1 (with 134 not present, and the one being Ron Paul voting Nay on general principle). A quarter of the remaining votes are for nonsense like "commending the winner of the U.S. High School soccer championship" or naming some post office in Boondock, Arkansas after some local politician, votes which typically pass unanimously on roll call votes (why they even bother with the roll call, who knows).
Upthread, I posted a short list of Griffith's meaningful voting record for recent votes that people actually care about. I didn't link them for the sake of time, but I can certain go back and repost, with links to the house website, if you don't believe that he voted the ways I indicate. As you can see, he voted the right way each time - health care, financial takeover, etc. etc.
As far as I can tell, the only thing that he voted the wrong way on was voting for Pelosi for Speaker - and let's be honest, what idiot thinks that a freshman Democrat Congressman is going to vote against his own Party's candidate for Speaker?
You know, as someone who's been a registered Republican since I was old enough to vote (except for the times when I got ticked off and went unaffiliated because the GOP did something I didn't like) and who has been a conservative for as long as I can remember, I have to say your comment to LE is reprehensibly stupid. Why don't you get off your high horse and stop acting like an...uh...Democrat?
Anywise, as for the vote for Pelosi - so what? Do you honestly expect that a freshman Democrat Congressman would vote against his own Party's candidate for the Speakership?
As for the video of him taking the Lord's name in vain, as much as I disapprove of that activity, I find it hard to believe that any of Griffith's opponents in the GOP primary race for this seat haven't done so themselves....
Fantastic!! And your point is that we choose our politics extremely early in life and stick with that point of view. There is no possibility for learning, enlightenment, seeing the light so to speak and changing affiliation. If you want people who were "conservative" from the get-go to be the only ones who can have an (R) after their name, then you're asking to be a permanent minority.
You could also read bios of Ronald Reagan and find out why he was once a Democrat and then became a Republican.
And, to be honest with you, I don't think "conservative" requires one to have a narrow outlook on life and on others.
Your debating skills are only exceeded by your underwhelming representation of ‘yourself’ as a member of the human species.
Seriously, anyone that is a Democrat today will not be an asset to the Republican Party tomorrow.
If you want to argue that point, as if it is politically incorrect to have that opinion, then talk to each other. I’m plain tired of your shallowness and lack of logic.
This is good news, and a PR embarrassment to the ‘Rats.
Good news ping
I don't see how, since you've presented no argument to debate in the first place, just whining at a former Democrat because they're a former Democrat.
My advice? You need to grow up.
I don't see how, since you've presented no argument to debate in the first place, just whining at a former Democrat because they're a former Democrat.
My advice? You need to grow up.
It’s not my fault that you couldn’t figure out that killing babies and spending other people’s money was a bad thing.
You sure sound defensive, and so you should.
What are you babbling about?
People who walk away from the dems have new eyes - and often a clearer understanding. I was a dem for many years - and a dem precinct person... I knew their games...
We only need a few hundred more.
“We finally have Buddy Cramers seat!”
He wouldn’t have done this without the consent of the Dixie Mafia.
Don’t count on what the NRA says about him. They continued to support and endorse Bud Cramer (former holder of Griffith’s seat) even after he voted FOR the Brady Bill!
Alabama’s 5th. Northern tip, on the TN border’s_5th_congressional_district
Mo Brooks
Les Phillip
I too live in Griffith’s district and have for most of my life.
I forget how long Cramer held the seat but before him it was held by Ronnie Flippo - another Demonrat.
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