The Repubs are making them read ALL amendments.
GOd bless them. They are fighting the war.
Are you kidding me?
Reid just asked for nine minutes for Ben Nelson to speak
before reading the “manager’s amendment.”
Or, why the dog ate my homework (why i had to vote for Deathcare)
McConnell objected. I said YEAH!!! they don’t deserve any debate.
They made their bed. They lie in it.
Reading of bill commenced. who knows WTF is in it.
Everything should be read.
It shouldn’t be this convoluted.
It should be simple.
Right now the clerk is reading the mega “manager’s amendment,” which will take many hours.
It looks as if the fix is in.
Before the present reading, Harry Reid tried to get unanimous consent for Ben Nelson to make a “9 minute statement” (Mitch McConnell objected.) Because this “statement” was apparently coordinated in advance with Reid, it’s likely it would have consisted of Nelson’s reasons for caving on ObamaCare.
It seems that right now our best (only?) hope is that Pelosi won’t force a vote in the House on the identical bill, thus avoiding the need for the bill to go to a House-Senate conference. A conference - and subsequent votes on the final bill in both houses of Congress - would buy more time; for polls on the President, Democrats in Congress, and ObamaCare to decline even further, and for Congressmen’s constituents to raise hell.