I think you should post this story modified as you did to some liberal sites to see their reactions.
I've thought of doing that. I don't know if I could stand going to liberal sites, though.
I remember when feminism was just getting popular, Gloria Steinem used to like to reverse the sexes in order to make her points. "What if MEN were the ones who had babies?" "What if MEN were the ones who got raped?" etc. This was supposed to make people see how unfairly women were treated. Well, the same thing would work by reversing the races. Let people think it's a white-on-black crime and they are all outraged and wanting the evil perpetrators harshly punished. As soon as they find out it's black-on-white, though, all of a sudden their reactions are quite different. Now, the white victims must have provoked the attackers somehow. Now, the attackers were only "venting their justified rage." Now, we must show leniency toward the attackers. It's really pretty incredible how the liberal mind works.