Agree FDR’s actions were provocative (e.g., Lend Lease, shipping supplies) but what were FDR’s motives for wanting to go to war?
My guess is that FDR understood the nature of Hitler and the Nazis, and the nature of Imperial Japan. I don’t know how much we understood about German technology, but at this time, it’s clear that Germany, the US, and Japan all knew about the theory of nuclear weapons. Japan decided against pursuing a nuclear program, and concentrated on biological warfare. Germany pursued nuclear technology, and if the US had waited to enter the war, might have developed it early enough to deploy it.
Germany being in possession of the bomb would have necessitated a surrender by Britain.
I think FDR wanted us in because he knew time was short, and once the moment passed, it would never be regained.
Those are my thoughts, and I have no disparaging remarks for others who think differently.