Amazing column.
I loved it and thank you for posting the link here!
Happy, Healthy New Year, dear you!!!!
Thank you for this link—it is truly incredible. It only magnifies the gulf between President George W. Bush, the man, and Barack Hussein Obama, the petulant child. An emptier suit never sat in the Oval Office, truly the greatest hoax of all time. I fervently hope and pray that the greatest country in the world survives this administration, that it isn’t run into the ground by Obama and his let’s-see-how-fast-we-can-turn-America-into-Albania Congress. We truly have a war going on between good and evil inside our borders—let’s hope Americans wake up in time!
Obama and Michelle are the complete antithesis of George and Laura Bush! How Blessed we all are to still have them both! I have my Thank you President Bush on the rear window of my car and keep hoping I’ll see another!
Wow - I want to say to these Hillbuzz people - where were you for eight years?????
You were obsessed with BDS, no doubt.
NOW you see the truth????
Good to know - however, a bit late.
(Anyway - thanks for the link, SCB).