Sooooo...I take it that all of you guys that are accusing and blaming Newt for endorsing a RINO either didnt vote in 08.... OR you voted DemocRat? Is that correct?
Nope, that's not correct. I voted very reluctantly for McCain/Palin. Reluctantly, because I had no faith in a McCain presidency. The ONLY reason I decided to vote for him instead of writing in Duncan Hunter, was because of Sarah Palin on the ticket. Period. I can't speak for anyone else, but that was my verdict.
Now to the difference between Newt and ourselves. We learned by the mistake the GOP made in 2008 by pushing a RINO like McCain. We've decided we'll never go down that road again. Obviously, Gingrich has NOT learned by that mistake and continues to support RINOs; nay Democrats running as Republicans. For that, I have little use for the man.
Now, that's enough of this. You've made it clear that the only reason you're doing this is to disrupt this thread. If you truly want information on Gingrich, there's a place called Google that I'm sure can help. That's not what we're here for, and I for one have had enough. Please direct your repeated inquiries elsewhere. posted to me first, sweetheart. And don’t ever accuse me of trying to disrupt a thread. I don’t do that. Especially not one started by Jim. If you don’t like the debate, just say nothing (next time).