But Bill O’Reilly want to give him the benefit of doubt, at least until his glowing book on O (”America in the age of Obama” - ghost-written by Mark Lamont) comes out.
only going to get lower as unemployment grows and Health Care is read.
Please tell us you're kidding. Even O'Blowhard can't that venal - is he?
“But Bill OReilly want to give him the benefit of doubt, at least until his glowing book on O (America in the age of Obama - ghost-written by Mark Lamont) comes out.”
Is this for real? Though BOR does seem like the only cable news host willing to give this clown a forum.
Back on topic - now that Barry is hitting new lows, this will cause more scrutiny of his policies and will become a steam roller down to the bottom - first mowing over his extended staff, then close staff, then over Barry himself.
There's a Chinese proverb that says "people will push on a leaning fence." He, he, he...