[[Well, your an idiot because they were discussing string theory and none were people ever are in these threads.]]
First of all- you sentance makes no sense whatsoever- so it’s a little funny you calling me an idiot- but whatever- if that’s what you need to do to make you feel better about yerself- then go right ahead- secondly- you certainly weren’t just ‘discussing string theory’- your only intent was to insult and malign GGG and creationsits
[[Why did the Mod tell him to stay off the thread after all your deleted posts?]]
Too bad you didn’t see the pulled posts- you’d know why the mod did so as I spelled it out in plain english which the mod took offense to because, once again, apparently the mod discovered that the truth hurt
I just told them the truth about GGG, the person who barged in on their thread. I said he was a YDDC (Yabba Dabba Doo Creationist) and that he and his groupies called anyone that disagreed with them names). I just listed some of them.
As I said, you’re an idiot, you don’t dis the Mods.