Can we learn from this?
When Republicans win, our “elected leaders” always water down the conservative message and our views are largely disgarded.
Yet the left, they win and, baddabing-baddaboom, it’s socialized medicine for ALL and taxpayers will pay up big or go to jail.
Why don’t we have fighters on our side like the left does?
My own view is that even if Obamacare is defeated, there will still be small steps taken in the leftwing direction, another government entitlement that can never go away. Inch by inch the left gets everything it wants.
Why don’t we have fighters on our side?
Let’s talk about that. Why, whenever a Republican is on camera, he looks like someone who just locked himself out of his house in his underwear, staring stupified into the news camera? These are the leaders of the opposition?
It can too go away. There’s no way we can pay for this. Complete crash and defeat is the only way we are ever going to reset this bloated tick-pig-parasite-government, so if they pass this it will just bring it on sooner. Do I like it, no. But I know that communism always fails.