“I think the Purple Heart should be restricted to injuries sustained on the battlefield.”
The problem with asymetric warfare is there is no “battlefield.”
Probably 1/2 the casualties are what used to be in positions I would dismiss as a REMF.
I disdain your euphemism of REMF. Any idea how many REMF died supporting the “real” combat heros?
A REMF, as you put it, puts his azz on the line, too, and many are killed by doing so.
You denigrate these good men and women who worked to allow our actual combat forces to perform their work.
Dar al-Harb (Arabic: دار الحرب "house of war"; also referred to as Dar al-Garb "house of the West" in later Ottoman sources; a person from "Dar al-Harb" is a "harbi" (Arabic:حربي)) is a term classically referring to those countries where the Muslim law is not in force, in the matter of worship and the protection of the faithful and Dhimmis.