and I hear and agree with what you said ... and I spent the last 8 yrs of my career fighting it but the military were the only ones fighting a war. If we are going to give thses soldiers PHs then we as a nation need to stop half-a$$ing this ... declare war as a nation and “lets Roll” until then this type of gesture is fluff and is done to make politicians feel better about themselves. Another point, 8 yrs of “war” and we haven’t had one live MOH winner? That is a travesty too. Thanks for the good discussion
I have several relatives who have been fighting in this war from the start. Most are Marines including officers. Also AF intel, a ret Army who is an Speaks fluent Russian and Arabic, his son is also over in Afghn in the Marines.
Understand and appreciate you service.
Here in San Diego at Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery is
buried one of the recent MOH awardees Navy SEAL Michael Monsoor and last Sat. buried was one of the officers
killed at Ft. Hood.