I understand and agree. I have nearly 30 years stretching back to Bubba and before.
My comment was more to be in line with PC and terrorism which is what is being buried by both the GW Bush and B Obama Administrations.
Does anyone remember a Major Coughlin during the Bush years?
PC is killing us in the war on terror! You can not fight an enemy you can not even call by their rightful name.
Yes the Clinton years were bad for the military. E5’s and below actually qualified for Food Stamps and other welfare programs because of pay. Yes promotions were botched.
Been there. Seen it. Bur I really believe that as important as those wrongs were that need righted ... the wrongs being committed now will KILL us!
“PC is killing us in the war on terror! You can not fight an enemy you can not even call by their rightful name”.
I know you didn’t mean to but you just fell for the grandfather of all pc rhetoric. It isn’t a “war on terror”. Thats like Roosevelt saying we were involved in a war on tanks, planes and ships. Terrorism is a method of destruction that demoralizes an enemy just like tanks. We aren’t at war with a method. “War on Terror” also makes it sound like we are also fighting the IRA, the Basques, and anyone else that uses terrorist methods. We ain’t because they do not pose an immediate threat to our way of life. No, we are fighting a war against islamofascism, radical islamism, and their fellow travelers. We are fighting an ideology and a completely different view on the way of life we want to live just as we did against monarchism, fascism, and communism.