Notice any similarities between NL’s reply and the following? Also notice that Wikipedia considers the whiplike 200 decibel cracking sound as “dubious” (all of which NL cut out of his, shall we say, unoriginal post):
An article that appeared in the November 1997 issue of Discover Magazine reported research into the mechanics of Apatosaurus tails by Nathan Myhrvold, a computer scientist from Microsoft. Myhrvold carried out a computer simulation of the tail, which in diplodocids like Apatosaurus was a very long, tapering structure resembling a bullwhip. This computer modeling suggested that sauropods were capable of producing a whip-like cracking sound of over 200 decibels,[dubious discuss] comparable to the volume of a cannon.[20]
Hey, Cupcake, the issue had nothing to do with the sound, only the shape of the tail. Besides, attacking the messenger isn't working for you with Darwin and it won't work on me either. Here is another unoriginal quote that you ought to heed before you post more speculative rhetorical drivel; "One experiment is worth 1,000 expert opinions."
You need to read "Wiki for Dummies" so you can understand that anyone, even you, can contribute to a wiki topic. The person who cited the Discovery Magazine article thought the study to be dubious but had to invite comment. Note: There was NO additional postings to refute or deter from the original hypothesis. It appears you again stop reading and thinking the moment you find a snippet that supports your presumptions.
What would Radner and Radner say about that, I wonder?