I’ve got some vacation time I can take, could work my way around a deadline (spent all day today working to get ahead), and go there with you. I’m crying now, and saw Pelosi already lying how this is for the “American people,” with her nodding bobble-head Marxist pets standing by her side.
Psst ... hey Borax Queen ... don’t tell anybody but this crusty ol’ retired Army guy is teary-eyed too. It’s a combination of anger, sadness, and the feeling of helplessness. I think the only thing that will cure my sniffles is going out and doing something about it. I guess if we want our country back, we need to take it back.
Ok AGAIN , we need leadership , and organization on a NATIONAL level. We need to act EXACTLY like the left , money , lawyers , protesters , offices and LEADERS .
It’s a massive job but we need to educate those who don’t kno wor believe the TRUTH about what’s going on here. Then we need to pick times and dates and targets . Someone with face recognition , someone with the natural skill to put together a massive plan and organize all the like minded grouos out there.
There are jobs for everyone. we would need people to man phones , drive busses , do research and most of all to hit the streets once the plan is made.