AMEN to all of that
I consider myself (rightfully, I believe) far better informed than the average “skull-full-of-mush” from my age (mid 40s) on down to H.S. seniors, but I knew as I was working my way through H.S, and then college that there were things I was not being taught - things which, if you will were being deliberately, and premeditatedly - sanitized, cleaned, pressed, abridged, condensed, altered and revised to reflect what someone else wanted me and all my contemporaries to know and have access to.
Over the past few years as I have actively sought to acquire suitable conservative reading material with which to educate myself, this awareness has only increased, and with it, my general level of irritation - nay, my fits of outright pique over the scrubbing of our precious history from the collective memory of America and so many citizens who would be patriots, if only they knew the truth and had been educated and trained to think and reason for themselves.
I know the truth now, and fearing G_d, I will not let them have my children, nor my children’s minds.
I will fight the evil, and teach my children to recognize it, to point it out to their fellows, and to ruthlessly mock it for the tyranny, and the dark and spiritually impoverished thinking that it is.
Bravo for your comments!
Virginia Foxx - now on - Virginia Foxx now speaking. Hope you have cspan on and are listening to this lady.
She is right on.