To be fair, there are plenty of posts on DU by people who have asked for or offered prayers, and many who have relatives or friends at Fort Hood. Then you get stuff like this:
FarLeftFist (186 posts) Thu Nov-05-09 06:13 PM
Response to Original message
368. FOX "News" is probably mad that this rained on their ALL NIGHT coverage of their tea party
Holy cow. They just purged 50% of the posts on that thread. They must have deleted hundreds. I should have taken a screen shot.
Pan Yan, if you don your Hazmat suit (I just did) and go back over there, you will find (towards the bottom of the main tread a noobie poster...’claiming the blood is on Bush’s hands.’ And then the next two responders pretty much say ‘that is getting old, leave it go.’ Also a surprising number of ‘dude why didn’t he just eat bullet number one?’ instead of taking all those lives.
I was stunned...I am guessing too, looking at the number gaps, probably 250 plus pulls on that topic.