Ironic we would lose this one. I was thinking they would take NJ.
Yeah the polls looked good going in. In Jersey I was worried about the corrupt stealing the election.
There was NO way they could take NJ.
THAT was either misdirection or a deliberate plan by
both the MSM and Fox, whose talking heads really oughta
get out more. I live in NJ, and short of massive and obvious fraud, they couldn’t get CorZine reelected if their
lives depended on it.
NO, I think they had big plans for NY 23 and they wanted to use THAT as their test case: onto that fractured political scenario they could shower all their rhetoric and make their points about “even in a heavily GOP district, the Democrat managed to win”. If they’d lost, they would swear up and down that it was in no way a referendum on Obama’s success or failure, now that they’ve won, they’re making all sorts of related points to suggest the opposite.
Scozzafava finally suspended her campaign, asking all her supporters to vote for the Dem, thereby revealing her true colors, She also sat back and allowed herself to receive several thousand votes, probably split between write-ins and absentee ballots already given her before all the “confusion”. Either way, this “Republican” managed to effectively steal the election away from Doug Hoffman.
All those who initially put her forth, and justified her being there as the candidate , like the RNCC, and Michael Steele are to blame, for losing up there. They are pathetic, vacillating weasels, who only showed up with an embrace once the numbers began to show DH was a contender, and once they felt too much pressure from the new Conservative soon-to-be majority.
I believe it was a strategy from the beginning to get the future Secretary of the Army out of there, and figure a way to either get the Virtual Dem, Scozzafava , or the Actual Dem, Owens in. But remember, there is another election next year. This is a temporary fill-in special election.
HOffman has got momentum that could carry him into this seat next year.