Rinos are not really big tent party people. They are vindictive liberals and that is the only way to deal with them. Wipe them out of power. I can’t be a Republican voting for liberals. If I were a liberal I would be a Democrat.
We took out DeeDee and that was the number one goal. It would have been nice if Hoffman had won, but that was not the number one priority. Taking out a left wing Rino was the number one priority. We will take out others too. With Steele in charge of the GOP, they are going to lose more seats to Democrats because they are going to keep throwing Rinos in our faces and they are going to keep losing until Steele is replaced with a conservative who knows how to lead and deal with Rinos.
Wait til South Carolina gets a wiff of Graham’s jihadists Obama is bringing to South Carolina at Graham’s behest! We need to run third party against him for sure. It we need to run third party against Snowe and Collins, too. And then there is McCain...
Steele is not in charge. Romney, Rove and rove’s trained beta-males are. Fox news will now trumpet the wonderfulness of Bob McDonnell, about how he offended no independents and moderates and how smart those who ran his campaign are(all romney staffed /rove trained.) And they will blame Palin for NY23. It will be the lead on all the fox news teleprompter readers for Wednesday.
What’s this about zero’s jihadists and Graham?