Yes. I witnessed their exodus to the south where they began voting the same way that got them into the mess up there. Now they are ruining conservative spots in the south by overwhelming the land and then electing the same type of idiots they ran from, thus recreating New York in the south. It’s almost made me become prejudice toward anybody coming from north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Yes, indeed. They move to the triangel in C and then think, well, I can afford to pay higher taxes to “impove” the way they do things down here in Hicksville. They won’t leave until they have fouled their new nest!
Just like the Mexicans come to America to live the American dream, and then demand to be treated like poor Mexicans! They bring their failed culture with them. The liberals bring their failed policies with them. It lacks common sense.
DAMN Yankees!
I know about Damn Yankees because I went to Abbeyville SC where my ancestors settled in 1760 and went into an antique store run by a lady with a definite Northeast accent. She said people around there call her that. She said there are Yankees and there are DAMN Yankees.
We call them Damn Yankees for a reason around here.