To: MestaMachine
This is amazing. All happened within a two week period. I think Gingrich actually did him a favor by poking the sleeping giant in the eye.I don't believe this is true, but it's a possibility: Suppose Gingrich knew he'd enrage the conservative bloc? Suppose he kept poking us with more and more outlandish comments on purpose? He's not up for any elections. It would have been brilliant strategery.
21 posted on
10/29/2009 2:11:16 AM PDT by
(DEFINITION: rac-ist (rA'sis't) 1. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal about any topic.)
To: Lazamataz
Well, he sure poked us. That’s a fact. Whether he meant to or not, will remain forever in his fevered brain.
27 posted on
10/29/2009 3:24:41 AM PDT by
(One if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by Air Force 1, 4 if by Thread.)
To: Lazamataz
Suppose Gingrich knew he'd enrage the conservative bloc?.... It would have been brilliant strategery.About as brilliant as smooching with The Wicked Witch of the West on the couch and drinking the AGW koolaid.
To: Lazamataz
You expect brilliance from Newt - so when he exposes his lack of it - one might assume "it's just a move but we can't see the brilliance of that move, yet!" Not hardly - face it, he's a RINO and the 'brilliant' mask is off and a deceitful mask replaced it. He's aligned himself w/Al Sharpton, Pelosi and all the RINO'S and against conservatives values.
He's not up for any elections
If he runs on the Democrat ticket, he might have a chance. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson