To: presently no screen name
(I) asked Duncan Hunter (Senior, retired) and Junior (current US Congressman) yesterday, to officially endorse Doug Hoffman, too. Have not heard back or seen any news.Suggest all Hunteristas ask the same of them. Ramp up those old 2008 e-mail and fax lists.
Also appeal is made to Tancredistas to also ask former Congressman Tancredo to offer an endorsment this week.
We CONSERVATIVES, in the GOP and as a national force, can somehow start to make up with Doug in 2009, where we got screwed by McCain in 2008.
11 posted on
10/28/2009 10:33:44 PM PDT by
(The Derinofication of the GOP begins with DOUG HOFFMAN, the stand He and We Make. NO MORE RINOS!!)
To: AmericanInTokyo
Have not heard back or seen any news
He's on vacation hunting.
We CONSERVATIVES, in the GOP and as a national force, can somehow start to make up with Doug in 2009, where we got screwed by McCain in 2008.
I agree and I PRAY!
To: AmericanInTokyo
fyi, an “ista” when used by a conservative is usually derogatory in nature as it derives from the old leftist dictatorship in Nicaragua that called themselves “sandinistas”.
Hunterites or Tancredoites would be more complimentary.
15 posted on
10/28/2009 10:46:13 PM PDT by
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