Hope they can get the word out ASAP to their members nationwide by e mail lists and urge them to donate 24/7 to Doug. He will need the money flowing in until well past Election day 3 November!!
Woo hoo!! Go Hoffman!! No more RINOS!!
Doug needs a PayPal link.
I hope he beats corzine...
Nothing personal
Fred Thompson
Club For Growth
Police Benevolent Association
Concerned Women
Citizens of the Republic
Susan B. Anthony List
American Conservative Union
Citizens United Political Victory Fund
Campaign for Working Families
NYS Right to Life PAC
Conservative Victory Fund
Eagle Forum
Nat’l Organization for Marriage
America’s Independent Party
Dick Armey
Steve Forbes
Sarah Palin
Rick Santorum
Wholesaler-Distributor Political Action Committee
Freedoms Defense Fund
U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas)
James Dobson, PhD
Dana Rohrabacher
Right Principles
Tim Pawlenty
Jim Demint
Atlas PAC
National Conservative Fund
Gun Owners of American-PVF
Life and Liberty PAC
Minuteman PAC
Right Principles PAC
Term Limits America PAC
Congressman Jeff Flake - AZ
Congressman Linder - GA
The Heart PAC
Republican Majority PAC
Family Research Council PAC
Leadership for America’s Future
Conservative Opportunity Leadership & Enterprise
Associated Builders & Contractors
Citizens United Political Victory Fund
Freedom First PAC
Congressman Steve King - IA
we sent Hoffman $25 today....I imagine little amounts coming from everywhere help!
This is amazing. All happened within a two week period. I think Gingrich actually did him a favor by poking the sleeping giant in the eye.
Does Hoffman have a pro-gun voting record?