Suspicion must be based on evidence and there is no evidence that Momma Obama jetted off the Kenya to give birth to Baby Barack and then smuggled her new born into the United States just in time to have a birth announcement placed in two newspapers.
Do you even know the definition of the word suspicion? Are you aware that people are arrested and prosecuted every day, not just in America, but in the world...(and even as we speak) based ONLY upon that one little word......suspicion??? guys are too easy Suspicion: 1 a : the act or an instance of suspecting something wrong without proof or on slight evidence : mistrust b : a state of mental uneasiness and uncertainty.
Add to that the that mommie was a commie and also possibly a covert/undercover spy for the commies and you've got a recipe for her knowing exactly how to sneak around, in and out of countries, and get what she wanted re: a phony birth certificate.
Straw man. Since we have not seen the long form birth certificate, we don't know if it was a regular hospital birth, or filed as a "home birth". The latter would not require the presence of Momma Obamam or Baby "O", as long as Granny Toot was willing to forge her signature on the form. The actual birth date could be weeks earlier than the one on the form, which would have triggered the newspaper "classifieds" announcement. Or could have been the same date, different place. They'd have the BC, having been mailed to them, as proof of BB's citizenship, so no smuggling required.
If I were you, I wouldn’t put keep saying how important those announcements are. You may end up looking like a fool. Take that for what it’s worth and that’s all I’m saying.