He’s a dead man walking already.
That schmuck will be a hero at Dhimmi party gatherings after next year and nowhere else.
That’s what happens when you have a political death wish.
On the plus side, he'll get to go on Letterman, Oprah, MSNBC, Larry King, Olberdork, and write some books that call Replubicans poop-heads that only American hating lefists will buy. So he'll have that going for him.
Actually, he is my congressidiot and I'm sending him notes all the time telling him how wrong he is. His staffers always send back these drippy, nice replies that in no way address my concerns. He doesn't give a sh!t about America or his district. He only cares about the job he's going to be able to get once the people who live here throw him out on his rear.