When we see an item on the official docket that says Motion to Dismiss Denied and that is actually signed into effect by Carter himself, we should ignore this. No offense intended to EternalVigilance, who is the messenger. However I am disappointed by Keyes and others who seem to be taking this at face value too soon, IMHO.
Time will tell.
Not until after the original blitz of yippees died down did the realization come that any discovery she could have was severely limited and could only relate to the MTD issues heard on Monday.
I sincerely want to do anything I can to support this cause, but it's stuff like this from the principal people involved (Keyes, Taitz) that fills me with doubt that the case will proceed. How I hope, I'm wrong.
The good news is that there's still Donofio and MissTickly and maybe something good will come of Apuzzo’s efforts as well.