If he used the material from his book and represented it as his own, then it is stealing.
Any high school English class (at least in the past) knows this.
It is a perfect example of theft of intellectual property:
From Wikipedia:
“Intellectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. The former is covered by copyright laws, which protect creative works, such as books, movies, music, paintings, photographs, and software, and give the copyright holder exclusive right to control reproduction or adaptation of such works for a certain period of time.”
Show me where Beck did this....Show me where Beck quoted anything of levins book and said he(beck)came up with it. You cant because he didn't do it. If beck plagiarized levin surely "the great one" is enough of a lawyer to sue him for it.
I have been reading about ACORN from, articles by Larry Johnson. John Fund and others well over a year ago and long before Beck started talking about it.
Some folks need to learn that Beck was not first with this.