Posted on 09/25/2009 5:20:16 AM PDT by Jaxter
The police need to find a way of policing these things without the black gas masks. It doesn’t say “America”.
Looks like that acoustic weapon thingy’s levitating in mid-air.
Deafening kids with sound weapons and confronting them with masks and clubs — USA, USA, USA!!! /s
Its interesting to compare the current Sedition Media coverage of the G-20 in Pittsburgh. So much coverage!
Why? It fits the established narrative. Its all that modern New World Order meetings should be. The Elite in jets and limos and designer and custom clothing at the best hotels, surrounded by regular military units in full urban warfare gear. And at the outskirts, beyond the military secured inner-ring that no regular folk may enter, An outer-ring of a mix of dozens of police forces launching tear gas and special crowd control weapons from black painted armored vehicles at a mix of community organized rabble of college kids, pothead dead-enders and welfare-for-life folks, spiced with mimes, street theater troupes with puppet masks, saffron robed lines of baldy monks beating drums and waving incense rods, and here and there a cohort of union members with the officers in cheap suits.
The demonstrators provide the theater and excitement, and the issues they herald are nearly all pro-socialism they are defining what the narrative insists that the people, the rabble, the lowly proles should be asking for from their elite. MORE OF IT! MORE RULES! LESS FREEDOM. SOCIALISM!
Compare that to what happened with the coverage of the 912 marchers! Nothing, no coverage at all. The TRUE VOICES OF FREEDOM AND LIBERTY ignored, incomprehensible by the DC elite, the legacy media, the academics, or even the big business elite.
What is happening in Pittsburgh is Kafke-esque illusion. It is absent any connection to REAL America.
We don’t fit their narrative, to them we are invisible people. Only those play actors willing to be participants in the socialist and deconstructionist delusion are news worthy subjects.
The Narrative: There are a class of elites of every color and race and gender who know how to run the world. They know how to dress like red carpet people, they know the best vacation spots in the world, the best jets. They deserve the best since they provide the ideas that run the world
Below them are the others, a mix of workers, students and the poor — and the the near insane. The working class, the poor. At a meeting of the elites the wildest of the
those come out to show the true colors of their class — violence, rebellion, screeching, but still all for more Big Brotherism, more socialism. And some are “heroes” asking for relief for politically correct causes. But the coloring book requires that in the lower classes, the discussion is on the street, rude, crude, violent. That’s why they are not the elite.
That narrative is all false. None of it is true.
The truth is what was seen in DC on 9/12/2009. Two million regular citizens arrived under their own power and funds at the same place at the same time. They dressed well. The behaved very well. The demonstration was peaceful, the speakers intelligent and well-informed. The place was CLEANER after they left than before.
Wow...look at all those protesters, there must be tens of thousands! (dripping in sarcasm)
If they go down, who stops the rioters?
Oh, and the black robocop outfits have some intimidation value, too.
these people love the get a bunch of ‘lend lease’ chinese tanks and drivers...
and MOW ‘EM DOWN!!!!
welcome to Tianamin-burg beeeyotches.
This is hard for me on an emotional level. I dislike these commie protesters. But I also dislike the idea behind G20, G7, G3, GX and any other group of governments deciding just what rules and regulations we have to live by. The protesters and the freedom-smashing governments and NGOs are really on the same side.
I also dislike the police state tactics.
Why can’t we just respect the second amendment and let everyday citizens shoot these protesters when the protesters damage their property and/or threaten their safety?
What’s wrong with the people exercising their God-given right to defend themselves against the socialist protester vermin?
The funny thing is that the media is adamant that the “teabaggers” are thuggish brutes. Yet it is at the lefty protests that the violence is so predictable that I doubt you could even play the odds for it occurring on Tradesports...
Be careful out there!
I thanked the police who were at a local town hall for all of their hard work. They know which side respects the rule of law.
I also heard some Carnegie Mellon/ Pitt students came out to counter protest in Oakland."
You're probably right about that. They were pretty funny. They kept laughing and chanting "Let's Go Pens". It was almost a carnival atmosphere.
I heard the same thing about the Pitt students ridiculing the protestors and telling them to go home. I think they were expecting a friendlier bunch of locals like Seattle with the WTO thing or London.
Interesting... that may come in handy.
Rushs’ Club Gitmo hats are orange. Might add to the...uhh...chaos....heh heh heh.
"It's nothing but a bunch of white racist! Where are all the black people?"
“I think they were expecting a friendlier bunch of locals”
Maybe the police are there to protect the protesters from the locals.
Trib -””When they were protesting, they were mad at the students because they were making fun of them,” Doyle said of people he described as anarchists, wearing all black with masks.
Police gave an order to disperse and began firing tear gas. Students scattered and regrouped throughout Oakland, at times chanting “let’s go, Pitt” and “this is our campus.””
PG-”We’re here to spread positivity,” said 31-year-old Dan Mross, who took the day off to be one of the standard-bearers for a canvas “Let’s Go Pens” sign. Nearby, his friend hoisted a plastic Stanley Cup above his head....
Like many residents, Mr. Mross expressed frustration at the visiting protesters bringing their grievances to the streets of Pittsburgh. “This is 4,000, 5,000 cops, and for what, a handful of anarchists who don’t even know what they’re mad at? This is our house.”
I tried to pull up videos or images of the 1999 Seattle WTO Riots and all I could find were the protester edited images. No police or media images; Out of sight out of mind I guess.
Thanks for the photos. Compare these bandana covered, filthy, unwashed, spike-haired losers to the million or more that showed up on 9/12. On 9/12, you couldn’t find a single face covered by a bandana because people were openly confronting their government and its long train of abuses and usurpations. Why do these cowards in Pittsburgh need to cover their faces?
The only black people that I saw were either policemen or local residents at their doors and windows making fun of the protestors.
Yeah. After the tea party, the left wing media made a big deal about all the protesters being white. I couldn't help but count the number of black protesters in this far left wing gathering. I didn't count any. Go figure.
I wonder if the media will notice this "racist" protest at the G-20.
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