Yes, it seems that the Catholic Church, as dogmatic as they are on so much, leave the belief of a literal creation up to the individual.
Now that I am “escaped” from Catholicism, I find that stunning. If you don’t believe the bible is the truth, I guess you are free to interpret it to fit your purposes.
Me? I believe.
Well, then if you believe that Genesis is literal truth, then you have to believe that Revelation is literal truth and all that stuff about the symbolism reflecting the European Union, Iraq or whatever is wrong. There will actually literally be four horsemen, assorted beasts, etc. You can’t pick and choose which books to interpret literally and which ones to claim contain some cryptic code.
Amen brother! You might want to think about joining my HMS Creation ping list :o)
PS Interestingly enough, a new book just came out that demonstrates the historical Catholic position re: origins is Young Earth Creation!